Surprisingly, uric acid by itself causes absolutely no pain. So how is uric acid dangerous?
We often think of acid burns, and inflammation, e.g. when excess stomach acid causes heartburn. But uric acid is very weak. It causes no direct pain, but indirectly it can lead to the worst pain known to man. When you understand how it works, you are best placed to avoid all five dangers of uric acid pain.
Is Uric Acid Dangerous?
Many gout sufferers do not understand uric acid pain. Because they only know of gout flares. And they often dismiss that as a temporary pain that is easily dealt with. But that ignores the fact that gout is progressive. So the pain that you can laugh off with OTC ibuprofen in your 40s becomes debilitating in later life. Even worse – you are ignoring the other 4 dangers of uric acid that bring more pain and suffering.
Purpose of Is Uric Acid Dangerous
My intention is to make Gout Victims aware that they must stop ignoring high uric acid. Instead, they must seek uric acid treatment from a qualified health professional. So this page supports the Purpose of in encouraging gout sufferers to work with their doctors towards gout recovery. But if you’re not a Gout Victim, see other plans for working with health professionals.
5 Ways Uric Acid Is Painful
- 1. Acute Gout Attack
- First, the classic gout pain caused by uric acid crystals in the joints. This is not physical pain. It is an inflammatory reaction to invading uric acid crystals. When the immune system tries to kill the crystal invaders. In the same way that it deals with viruses and other infections. This pain is not permanent, and will go away naturally after a few days. Though most of us need pain relief as the pain is very intense.
- 2. Uric Acid Kidney Stones
- Uric acid is excreted by the kidneys, then substantially reabsorbed. High levels of uric acid can crystallize in the kidneys, causing painful kidney stones. In most cases, the stones are easily dissolved with alkalizing treatments and plenty of fluids. Pain lasts until stones are passed or dissolved. Risk of permanent damage is low. But risks increase if stones recur frequently.
- 3. Tophaceous Gout
- Uric acid crystals form deposits known as tophi (plural of tophus). These frequently form under the skin, and can restrict movement near joints. When they grow to the point of bursting through skin, they can cause physical pain of tissue damage. Also, they might leave an open wound which often becomes infected. If treated with surgery, pain should stop once the injury heals. Though some scar tissue may cause permanent discomfort. Unless the underlying cause of high uric acid is treated, the tophi will grow again.
- 4. Joint Erosion
- Uric acid crystals in joints cannot be killed by the immune system. So they get hidden by a coating from defending white blood cells. The resulting microscopic particles attach themselves to tendons, cartilage and bone surfaces. Like tophi under the skin, these deposits continue to grow, often unnoticed. In joints, the deposits grow into bone and other tissues, causing permanent damage to the joints. Also, the cells that would normally grow to repair tissues are sacrificed in this uric acid crystal battle.
- 5. Other Diseases
- High uric acid levels are associated with heart disease, kidney disease, and other metabolic diseases[1]. Importantly, high uric acid is often interpreted as over 6.8 mg/dL or even higher. Yet uric acid levels over 4 mg/dL are associated with higher risks of diabetes[2].

How Is Uric Acid Dangerous To You?
You must be on guard against uric acid dangers. It is easy to measure, and usually easy to control. If you fail to take action, you can be certain that one (or all) of the five types of gout pain will get you.
The longer you leave it, the more chance you have of getting permanent, serious damage. As you get older, you will be less able to cope. So think about which of these 5 dangers of uric acid might apply to you. Then discuss a uric acid treatment plan with your doctor or other qualified health professional.
Leave Is Uric Acid Dangerous to read GoutPal Plan for Gout Victims.
Is Uric Acid Dangerous Comments
GoutPal visitor responses include:
Shocking Finger Tophi Image
Following a complaint about the shocking image of tophaceous gout on a finger, I’ve replaced the image on this page with a warning. So those who are offended can easily avoid it. Please note that it was never my intention to offend anyone. But I have heard from many gout victims that they avoid uric acid treatment because they don’t get gout flares. Or they hide the consequences of gout attacks behind pain relief. But that’s only dealing with the first of my five ways that uric acid causes pain. So don’t ignore excess uric acid. Because one of the other four dangers of uric acid might kill you.
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Is Uric Acid Dangerous References
- Desideri, G., G. Castaldo, A. Lombardi, M. Mussap, A. Testa, R. Pontremoli, L. Punzi, and C. Borghi. “Is it time to revise the normal range of serum uric acid levels.” Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci 18, no. 9 (2014): 1295-306.
- Shani, Michal, Shlomo Vinker, Dganit Dinour, Merav Leiba, Gilad Twig, Eliezer J. Holtzman, and Adi Leiba. “High normal uric acid levels are associated with an increased risk of diabetes in lean, normoglycemic healthy women.” The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 101, no. 10 (2016): 3772-3778.
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