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  • #3292

    Hi, I am new and just wanted to say this website has been enlightening. I *think* I have gout but avoiding actually going to the docs until I feel I have to.

    Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and warn you all that may ask some severely stupid questions along the way:)



    The only stupid questions are the ones you do not ask. But do you not think you should be asking your doctor for some clarification?


    If it is not gout, some diseases that have symptoms that mimic gout are pretty serious. Septic arthritis springs to mind, where joint inflammation is caused by infection that can lead to serious health problems if left untreated.


    If it is gout, untreated high uric acid usually leads to untreatable joint damage.




    The never-never land of not being sure is tough.

    Watch and wait for a telltale attack. There's little else you can do.

    You don't want to treat a disease you don't have.


    Next doctor's visit make sure you have your serum uric acid tested.

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