Hey Everyone,
I just recently came accross this forum and I am glad I did. My problems started a few years ago but it was not known till recently that I had gout. I use to wake up in the morning and have severe pain in my foot. It got so bad one day that I went to the ER and they tell me I have cellulitis. about 6 months later It happened again and in the same manner and the same diagnosis. It always seems to attack me when I am sleeping…lol
So fast forward to a little over a month ago. I went to my new Dr and tell him about all the past problems and he orders a uric acid test. Get the results back and to his shock I was at a 12. I believe he said normal is below 4? He put me on Allpurinol (I think thats how you spell it)
I woke up again this morning and there is some pain going on. I know this feeling so come tomorrow I will be curled up in the fetal position in my bed. Wish me luck 🙂