Keith’s GoutPal Story 2020 Forums Please Help My Gout! Ouch first time ive had gout?

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    Hi Brian Here 45years old. I woke up on wednesday morning with a pain in my knee which got worse and swelled up. On thursday the doctor said ive proberbly got gout and gave me some anti inflamitories tablets. now its saturday night and my knee is still twice the size of the other and hard to bend. Im thinking its not gout because i thought the tablets would take away some of the swelling. Now i have to make the diccission if to go to the hospital in the morning. How long does it take for the swelling to subside for a fisrt time attack to do i have somthing other than gout?




    Hospital worked for me.

    If diagnosis is not completely clear, a rheumatologist is your best bet. Gout is often obvious, but when it is not (like in your case) a proper diagnosis is important. There are other diseases that mimic many symptoms of gout, but gout treatment will not help. Get checked at the hospital as soon as you can.




    A knee is very hard to call but my best guesstimate is that for a first attack, a knee is NOT a?likely place for gout to attack.

    So, given equal odds, my bet would be NOT GOUT.


    Have you done anything that would have torn a meniscus (cartilege?)



    My first gout attak was on my left knee.?

    A brief chronology of events:

    Friday: low swelling, numbness, 1/10 pain

    Saturday: big swelling, 2/10 pain, went to ER, diagnosed with gout, they gave me NSAID

    Sunday: pain 10/10, huge swelling, new visit to ER, complete exams, knee MRI, fluid drain, pain killers + colchicine + NSAID + corticosteroid (still pain nor swelling was reduced), SUA was over 11 and UA on knee fluid over 9

    Next 7 days: pain 10/10, 100% of time on bed

    Next 5 days: pain 8/10, could walk small distances with aid of cruches

    Next 5 days: pain 4-2/10, horrible pain when pressing the car's clutch

    Next month: small pain, knee would not flex completely?

    Total time from start to full recovery: 2 1/2 months


    Although ER doctor was sure it was gout, rheumatologist was not sure due that no crystals were found on the fluid. Years later an arthroscopy of that knee showed UA crystals, finally I was 100% diagnosed with gout.

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